GIVING ATTENTION (Memberi Pendapat)
Berikut merupakan
ungkapan-ungkapan untuk memberi perhatian kepada orang lain.
Memberi Perhatian
Are you all right? You look pale.
I feel a bit dizzy.
What’s wrong with you?
Nothing. I just need time to
Your eyes are swollen. Did you
Yes, I can’t hold my tears on my
grandmother’s passing.
You look gloomy. What happened?
I failed the English test.
You look so happy. Any good news?
Yes, you konw what? I’ve been
accepted by the University of Indonesia.
DENYING FACTS (Menyangkal Fakta)
Perhatikan ungkapan-ungkapan
menyangkal fakta berikut.
Menyangkal Fakta
I’m not lying (actually you are)
No, I didn’t say that. (actually you did)
The food is yummy. (actually the food is not)
I’m afraid that’s wrong.(actually it is right)
That is not correct. (actually that is correct)
Sumber: Detik-Detik Ujian Nasional
B.Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016
SMA/MA Program IPS
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